Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thank God for the Resurrection!

Is our Dayton, Ohio weather getting to you about now? -May day after May day of rain and cold and gloom? My daily mantra: this weather has got to be the reason for my bad humor of late. But THANK GOD FOR THE RESURRECTION! -that belief in Christianity that, in the end, all will be well. I used to think that the resurrection was contained in the belief in Jesus’ emerging from the tomb, and someday I too would have life everlasting after a long and glorious time here on earth. But I have come to see that my days are filled with deaths and disappointments, large and small, followed by life and joy, still large and small. The paschal mystery is lived out in the cycle and rhythm of all of life, and we lay it on the altar every Sunday, infusing it with deeper belief and surer hope. To live a life embedded with this kind of faith is a gift, and it only takes spending time with someone who has not received the gift to fall on one’s knees with gratitude. So today I pray: thank you God for this rain and gloom, because it’s good for the earth and I know that sunshine will follow!! Amen!

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